Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blogger Sells Out

So I've sold out. As you'll might have noticed I have a little adsense bit on my blog. Not that it'll do anything, but who knows. I'm not ashamed I have a child to feed.

So if you need bathroom supplies or a get rich quick scheme give it a click :)

In other news: My baby is awsome. She now drags herself around the room, and pivots in circles to get to things she wants.

For instance, I didn't put her next to that box of nail supplies.

Note: she ingested nothing.

And, I never put my baby under a basket.

Oh and she screams a lot now (p.s. I have no idea where those pants came from).

She's the best.


JethRobyn said...

Thank you! I have been waiting to see pictures of your beautiful baby girl. What is tamara's blog site??

Caleb said...

non existent

April said...

I love love love that video. She is adorable and I can see little bits of you in her.

ps. Putting Clark in and under baskets...a favorite Bosko pastime.

Caleb said...

Yeah! She thought it was funny. New tradition babies under baskets!

Lori said...

Whats up guys i got your blog address from Mike, my wife loves blogging. so we need to play some serious magic and run around in band uniforms and hit each othe with swords!! Your baby is so cute.