Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Video


Unknown said...

i dont get it. i watched the video but im not smart enough to grasp the meaning after watching it only once.

Caleb said...

sorry . . . Basic thrust . . . if paying taxes is a measure of one's patriotism, then the top half income earners are 97.01% more patriotic than the rest of Americans.

And the rest is a series of insane tax stats.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit Caleb, every time I see a tax related video I get so angry I could punch an old person! Partially angry cause I hate the IRS, partially angry cause no one addresses the real issues about the IRS. Personally I think that video (which is a good video) is a diversion from what should actually be discussed.

Caleb, and I know that no one will agree with me; but I personally feel that the issue, has nothing to do, at all, with patriotism. Though I do agree with your initial point Caleb, paying (or not paying) your taxes has NOTHING to do with patriotism.

The issue is, is the IRS is a sham? (the answer is yes, if you where wondering). I feel that, anything that deviates from that question (or for those who know the answer, fact) is simply a diversion from the real issue. The next issue is, why the heck do you (“The generic reader” I’m looking at you sternly with a finger pointed at your left eye!) let your government, for all intents and purposes, bend you over the counter us like that? Btw, when this nation becomes a socialism, it will be no ones fault but yours!

I also wouldn't expect anyone to actually agree with me when I say that the IRS is nothing but a den of thief’s, and that all these 'taxes' they levy against you are only legal but not lawful.
But regardless if you agree with me or not, anyone who has done any amount research on the IRS would probably agree there is something horridly wrong with the system. Some people even get angry about it, some people rant about it, some people actually protest taxes till the last tax day. Some even less just stop paying taxes (Don’t do that).
The irony to all of this, is that in the end, these people bend over and pay their taxes, making their entire argument void, if not hypocritical.

My question is, why don't you (the reader) get up and do something about it? If you feel there is something wrong, why don’t you write a note to a senator? If it gets you angry, why don’t you go talk to your accountant and ask him about tax deductibles? You don’t have to be a political activist, or extremely intelligent.

Unless you are at the undying belief that there is, absolutely nothing wrong with our government, the IRS, or the Federal Reserve (which at this point I have to officially declare you a moron). You would have to agree on some level that there needs to be a change, talking about it does nothing, unless its followed by action.

‘Cause what’s the point of talking about something if your not going to do something about it?

P.S. Caleb your not a whiner, or a tard. I’m just using your video as a well placed platform for my agenda and Hatred for the IRS

"Our Income Tax system is a disgrace to the human race." -Jimmy Carter, said in 1976 by
the then President-to-be