Saturday, October 25, 2008


I thought I'd do a little blog about Irony. Maybe Alanis Morissette will read this blog and learn what is and is not ironic: like "a black fly in your Chardonnay" not ironic, or "rain on your wedding day"umm not ironic, but I'm sure most of you now know the only ironic thing about the song is that it is a song about irony without ironic lyrics.

The following video however is terribly and sweetly ironic. This may require some set up for some of our readers.

William Ayers: A Domestic terrorist who bombed the "New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and The Pentagon in 1972" you know as Wikipedia describes just activism of a radical nature, but lets not get sidetracked. These bombings were all inspired by the revolutionary Marxism that he subscribes to. Now on to the video; see if you can find the irony.

Hahahahaha. He called the police and even better wearing a communist star appeals to private property rights to get rid of the guy. Hahahahahaha


April said...

LOL! That was pretty funny.

You know, I just want to thank you for watching the news for me. It gives me a lot more time to rot my brain on regular tv.